15 years of AI experience – 30 years of corporate and organizational development

Are you prepared for the new world?

AI – Artificial Intelligence

Rethinking economy and society

Artificial intelligence will profoundly change our economy, our society and ourselves. It is up to us to ensure that this change is positive.

The rescaling of our world has begun. It will fundamentally change our economy and society, our environment and ourselves. Technology drivers in this new world are bio-, gene- and nano-tech as well as the all-dominating exponential accelerator Artificial Intelligence.

We give you a deep insight into the digital transformation, accompanied by a rapid development of new AI-driven technologies that dissolve the dividing line between the physical and virtual worlds and redefine the relationship between humans and machines. You recognize the social and entrepreneurial consequences, and we help you to discover the potential, assess risks, derive the right strategies and implement them successfully. Read more

Our Mission

We provide decision-makers in business, politics and society the tools to act in the new world.

Advice | Seminars | Workshops | Strategy | Planning | Implementation

For politics and society

The climate crisis, new disruptive technologies and unmanageable interconnections are the biggest problems of our time. They cannot be solved with the socio-economic and ecological truths we are familiar with. Technology has always improved our lives. Let us use these forces to master the great challenges of our time. To do so, we must first set the right framework conditions with the understanding of a profound transformation of our society. Read more.

For Companies: Digital Transformation

Artificial intelligence (AI) is developing at a breathtaking pace into the central driver of value creation. It is already the basis of the most important technological developments and thus a prerequisite for new sustainable business models. The markets are facing disruptive upheavals. We give you an overview of the current technology trends and advise you on your digital transformation – with a focus on AI and its supreme discipline machine learning (ML) as well as the connectivity technologies IoT, IIoT and cloud computing. Read more.

For Companies: Business Excellence

We advise you on the design of corporate structures and organizational processes. Experience from experienced sources how to (re)structure a company and transfer it into the digital age. We also offer a unique plant manager qualification program. It conveys the necessary strategies, structures, tools and methods for a successful and profitable business in the world of tomorrow. Read more.

For Companies: Executive Interim Support

Immediate, pragmatic help without commitment and ancillary costs for bridging vacancies in the management with a focus on CEO, CDO, COO, as well as for interim plant management, plant manager coaching, launch, crisis, project management and operational excellence support. Special expertise for automotive roof systems, glass encapsulation and high-tech electronics. Read more.