15 years of AI experience – 30 years of corporate and organizational development

Are you prepared for the new world?

We are facing the greatest transformation in human history.

Are you ready?

Our world is in a state of upheaval

In the history of our planet there have always been ruptures from which a new world has emerged. We are in such a state of upheaval.

This is unique, because it will produce technological life.

We are facing gigantic challenges

  • Climate change, tipping points, the great acceleration, globalization, environmental destruction, migration, pandemic,
  • Artificial intelligence, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology,
  • new communication channels, exponential growth,
  • fake news, populism, extremism, ignorance, war,
  • unmanageable interconnections, the desire for simple answers,
  • a society paralyzed in prosperity
  • and a political and economic leadership that reaches its limits in managing this complexity.

Old truths no longer apply

Today’s socio-economic and ecological »truths« no longer apply; they cannot answer the great challenges. And because we can’t find time to look at what the new world has to offer, we don’t know what it should look like.

Is renunciation the answer?

»To save the world, we need to balance it.« This insight was born in 1972 with the book The Limits to Growth and is more relevant from business as usual and it demands renunciation. But does it really take us into the future? Do we want a world in which prohibitions and restrictions determine our lives? Can renunciation alone save our world sustainably and are we ready for it?

The Great Social Transformation

We need a new world view, which is mostly desirable, which not characterized by self-destructive exploitation, advantage prohibitions, demarcation and surveillance. A vision that emphasizes a healthy balance between abundance and wealth for all with sustainable circular economy.

Using imagination and creativity

Through our imagination and creativity, we do not have to do without anything. On the contrary, we are allowed to lead an even better life and at the same time keep the world worth living for all life; and shape them by putting life itself in the foreground and using and controlling the positive possibilities of the new technologies. This new world requires new socio-political framework conditions.

Allow thoughts

Only when we consider this possibility, allow this thought and anchor it in our collective memory as a desirable future, only then can we begin to make a new world real. Only then can we let go of the old world, and from renunciation new, undreamt-of opportunities arise. It is already happening, in niches, all over our globe. Are you ready for the world of tomorrow?

Perspectives for a new world

Technology has always improved our lives. Let us use these forces to master the great challenges of our time. All we must do is set the right framework conditions.

Perspectives for a new world

(Extract from the subject areas ecology, economy and energy)


  • Pricing the entire planetary life cycle assessment 3% 3%
  • Global market access, but regional production 50% 50%
  • 3D printing 5% 5%
  • Human work vs. AI work 90% 90%
  • AGI/Bio-/Nano-Tech 10% 10%
  • Fossil fuels 68% 68%
  • Nuclear fission 12% 12%
  • Renewable energies 20% 20%
  • Nuclear fusion 0% 0%


  • Pricing the entire planetary life cycle assessment 75% 75%
  • Global market access, but regional production 70% 70%
  • 3D printing 50% 50%
  • Human work vs. AI work 70% 70%
  • AGI/Bio-/Nano-Tech 80% 80%
  • Fossil fuels 14% 14%
  • Nuclear fission 14% 14%
  • Renewable energies 67% 67%
  • Nuclear fusion 5% 5%


  • Pricing the entire planetary life cycle assessment 100% 100%
  • Global market access, but regional production 80% 80%
  • 3D printing 80% 80%
  • Human work vs. AI work 50% 50%
  • AGI/Bio-/Nano-Tech 100% 100%
  • Fossil fuels 1% 1%
  • Nuclear fission 1% 1%
  • Renewable energies 30% 30%
  • Nuclear fusion 68% 68%

Worldwide perspective. Source: pmd

The rescaling of our world has already begun. It will fundamentally change our environment and ourselves. We help you to find answers.

Drivers are 3D printing, bio/gene and nano tech and the all-dominating exponential accelerator Artificial Intelligence. We give you a deep insight into this world. You recognize the social and entrepreneurial consequences, and we help you to discover the potential, to derive the right strategies and support you in the implementation.

Setting impulses | Recognizing potentials | Developing strategies | Implementation