15 years of AI experience – 30 years of corporate and organizational development

For companies

Is your company prepared for the new world?

We are in the midst of the greatest transformation in human history, and the pressure to adapt is becoming gigantic. Artificial intelligence (AI), nano- and bio-tech are the big game changers. They will fundamentally change ourselves as well as our economy and society. Is your company prepared for this? Become an actor, set the standards in your field!

AI technologies will revolutionize almost all sectors of the economy

The global artificial intelligence market is expected to reach $650 billion by 2025, with an annual growth rate of 40%. For this added value, data is the most important resources and algorithms are the decisive tools. We will show you the trends and possibilities. Actively shape your market in the new world. We accompany you on this path with tailor-made solutions.

Disruptive technological leaps take our economic and life sectors to a new level

The world of AI has made stunning progress. Above all, the developments in the field of machine learning open up new groundbreaking possibilities. There have recently been major changes in the area of Internet-based services. See Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon or Facebook. In the coming years, all commercial, industrial and social sectors will be affected. New business models are needed to survive. What does this mean for your company? Talk to us!

Digital Transformation

The digital transformation is crucial for the viability of your company, it is the prerequisite for the development of new technologies and the associated possibilities. The goal of the transformation is nothing less than the complete transformation of the company into the digital world of tomorrow. Because IT is no longer a support and cost factor, but a central element for value creation.


Take advantage of today’s possibilities!

We advise you on the concept planning and networking of today’s AI potentials along the entire value chain. The focus is on an end-to-end digital infrastructure that connects all enterprise applications, such as.B ERP, CRM and PLM, as an integration platform and enables the formulation and connection of new systems such as ML, IoT, IIoT and cloud computing. What is important to us is a workflow-based system landscape that is prepared for future exponential transformation spurts. Do you have any questions? We’ll give you the answers.

Consulting | Seminars | Workshops | Strategy | Planning | Implementation

Set Impulses


If man does not think about what lies in the distant future, he will regret it in the near future.


Identify Opportunities


The future belongs to those who recognize the possibilities before they become obvious.

(Oscar Wilde)

Evaluate Probabilities


Don’t believe everything you think.

(Haemin Sunim)

Develop Strategies


It is not a matter of predicting the future, but of being prepared for the future.


Implement, Integrate


First do the necessary, then the possible, and suddenly you do the impossible.

(Francis of Assisi)

Next Level


Logic takes you from A to B. Your imagination will take you anywhere​.

(Albert Einstein)